Lighting - Easy Disco - Pack 2

Lighting - Easy Disco - Pack 2
For those who want a little more wow than our Easy pack 1 offers. Our easy pack 2 consists of a T bar lighting stand, 2x ADJ Inno Roll barrel lights, 2x ADJ Jellydomes and 1m LED bar light for the perfect combination of movement and colour for small and medium size venues up to around 150 people.

The Jellydomes project moving multicoloured lights around the walls, while the Inno roll scanners create sharp patterns and changing colours across the dance floor. The addition of the LED bar finishes the package with a background wash of light and changing colours. The package is simple to put together with the stand pre-wired for the effects.

All of the lighting fixtures contain microphones to react to sound. The package requires a single 13a socket.

Equipment information

Rental cost£100.00 for 24hrs