Let's talk... Contracts :)

I've occasionally been asked why I need my customers to sign a contract? The answer is pretty simple, it's an easy way to tell you what I'm going to provide, when I'm going to provide it and where and what you'll pay for it. The whole deal is then there in black and white, there is no arguing about what was agreed and it creates an opportunity to spot any mistakes either party may have made!

Make sure you know what you're getting - get a contract!

The other thing in the contract is the terms. These look long and boring, but they set out some important things that form the foundation of our working relationship. For example, cancellation terms, when payment is due, our expectations of you and your guests at your event and what we will and won't do with your data.

We've tried to make the whole contract process as quick and painless as possible by creating our own custom tech to allow you to review and sign your contract through your booking management page on our website. This makes it quick and painless and gives you access to a PDF of your signed contract for reference in case you need it later.

While we're talking about the booking in process, what about deposits? (sometimes called non-refundable booking fees, retainers, booking fees and all sorts of other things!) The deposit is there to tell me that you're serious about your commitment to booking me. We have limited availability and book up every year and this is our livelihood so we have to try and keep cancellations to a minimum and this is the best way we've found of doing it. The deposit is an advance payment of 20% of the total fee and a minimum of £40. You're then free to pay the rest as and when you like either by PayPal, Debit Card or Credit Card through my website or by bank transfer. We're pretty flexible!